

White Paper: AI-Powered Innovation Is Reshaping Workforce Well-Being

The modern workplace confronts a pervasive mental health crisis exacerbated by shortages in professional and accessible care, all of which is compromising well-being and demanding enterprise organizational intervention. In exploring a variety of technologies for addressing this challenge, a pilot study was done in partnership with Lua Health using their intelligent stress detection and monitoring tool. This digital assistant, embedded into the workplace, is designed to support employee well-being by proactively engaging with users when it matters most. 

This white paper briefly outlines the data-driven research from the pilot study for Superpunch Care. As a module within IntouchCX’s proprietary Superpunch app, Superpunch Care aims to empower employee well-being using recent advances in AI technology and well-grounded psychological markers in language and data. The study showed some improved measures of engagement, which helped us learn more about the well-being needs of our agents.

Key takeaways from the research:

  • Digitally-supported well-being is viewed positively in the workplace
  • An AI system allows us to connect with individuals before they reach out personally
  • Diverse well-being solutions and demographic-focused strategies help to design higher quality digital well-being, enabling companies to better support employees’ localized needs
  • Identifying the highest vulnerability within the workforce provides leadership with data for early intervention and prevention
  • Proactive engagement on well-being can positively influence long-term business performance metrics, such as engagement and productivity

IntouchCX continues to lead the way by partnering with a variety of organizations and technologies that support the well-being of our employees. In doing so, we not only foster a healthier workplace but contribute to building greater long-term employee satisfaction and retention. Read the full white paper here.


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